September: Healthy Aging Month

Sept. 5, 2022

Healthy Aging Month, sponsored by CWI Productions, is an annual observance month designed to focus national attention on the positive aspects of growing older.

Physical Fitness

Regular exercise is important for elders to help fight off disease and to stay mobile. Make sure to speak with a health care professional before beginning any new exercise routine. Consider these tips:

  • Exercise does not have to be done at the gym. There are many opportunities for exercise in daily activities and routines. Try taking the stairs or parking at the opposite end of the parking lot. Cleaning the house or gardening outside can also be great forms of exercise.
  • Exercise should be fun and engaging. Once you find an exercise that you like, you will be more likely to keep going.
  • Use the buddy system. Arrange to have a friend meet you for a walk or a bicycle ride. Having someone along can provide extra motivation, as well as increased social interaction.

Social Well-being

  • Contribute time to your community through local volunteer groups, religious organizations or civic groups.
  • Stay in close contact with friends and family through letters, email or the telephone.
  • Take that vacation that you have been putting off. Traveling is a great way to see new things and experience new cultures.

Mental Wellness

  • Keep your mind exercised by reading, learning a new skill or researching something that interests you. Daily crossword puzzles are a fun way to keep your mind sharp.
  • Reduce the risk of depression by exploring new activities, hobbies and exercise. If you truly are depressed, you don’t need to bear it alone; seek help from friends, relatives or a licensed professional.

The processes of normal aging do not rob you of your memory. Sometimes memory loss is caused by factors that can be changed – such as diet, medication misuse or depression. Gradual declines in memory are normal; if you are experiencing memory loss that seems unusual, consult with your health care professional.

Financial Fitness

  • Save at least 10 percent of your income, and invest in savings plans that compound interest.
  • Establish financial goals, stick to a planned budget and sign up for a retirement plan.
  • Contact the Social Security Administration for help estimating your personal retirement benefits.
  • If you are employed, you may want to consult with your human resources department for information about any available pension benefits.


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