Wellness Ambassador: Wesley Tolliver

Wellness Ambassador Wesley Tolliver

Wesley Tolliver, Business Manager, Financial Aid

Photo courtesy Wesley Tolliver

I’ve been at the University in the Financial Aid Department for the last 6 years.  I love to find opportunities to bring the team together to have fun.  We’ve done minute-to-win-it games during a pot-luck lunch, had a Halloween costume contest that raised funds for campus pantry and had a Staff Retreat out at CALS where we were able to get outdoors in the fresh air and enjoy the nice Fall weather.  

I also love to promote the HIP program.  We started the year off in January with a presentation from HR on HIP and I made sure to point out that all I did the previous year was connect my Fitbit and I got my $200 incentive.  It’s that easy.  I’ve also been blessed to work with a great team of Wellness Ambassadors in Enrollment Management, and we’ve put on group events throughout the year.  It’s been fun so far and I look forward to the events we’ve got coming up.

Team Quotes

"I've been genuinely moved by Wesley's dedication in all that he does, including organizing the 'Minute to Win It' games and the Halloween costume contest to raise funds for UA Cares. Wesley pours his heart into his efforts, even going so far as to purchase winning prizes himself. It was fun to engage in friendly competition with colleagues and to spend time relaxing and having fun. His commitment to creating activities that help us recharge and come together truly makes our work more rewarding."  - Laura Teso

colleagues in financial aid dept dressed up for Halloween

We held a Halloween Costume Contest for all of Enrollment Management to raise money for Campus Pantry. It took place on Halloween, and for a $2 donation, you were allowed to wear a work-appropriate costume for the day. That was one event in our UA Cares campaign, and we raised over $300 for the Campus Pantry.