Note: On-Campus flu shot clinics are only available for employees; Students can receive flu shots through Campus Health.

Flu Shot Clinics
Influenza can be a very serious disease. Getting your seasonal flu shot is an easy, effective way to help protect yourself, your family, and your community.
Life & Work Connections offers free flu shot clinics for University of Arizona employees on campus and around the state each year in collaboration with the Arizona Department of Administration Benefits and the Healthwaves corporate wellness team.
On-Campus Clinics are closed for 2024.
Utilize these other options to get your flu shot.
Off-Campus Options
ADOA & Healthwaves Hosted Clinics
ADOA hosts other clinics for state employees around Arizona. University employees can attend public flu clinics held by Healthwaves. (Bring your Flu Shot Consent Form with Alternate ID to ADOA or Healthwaves clinics)
Primary Care Physician or Local Pharmacy
Bring your medical insurance card to either visit for a free shot. Ask the pharmacist to bill your medical carrier NOT your MedImpact pharmacy coverage. Locate a participating pharmacy by clicking on your insurance provider below.
Answering your questions about flu shot clinics
If you are a University employee eligible for full benefits and enrolled in an ADOA medical plan, you’re good to go! This includes postdoctoral research associates who are fully funded by grants.
University of Arizona retirees may also get a free flu shot at one of the clinics organized by Life & Work Connections.
Graduate students who purchase Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona insurance through the university can receive a free shot at a clinic organized by Life & Work Connections. Please let the on-site nurse know you must complete a different form and have your medical insurance card ready.
Undergraduate and graduate students listed as dependents on a parent’s medical insurance may also use the employee clinics – if the parent is a University of Arizona employee. You’ll need your parent’s alternate employee ID number and a copy of your insurance card.
If you are a student at the University of Arizona but not a graduate student with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona insurance nor a student listed as an employee's dependent, you can receive a flu shot from Campus Health Services. Please check their website for availability and costs.
Dependents covered by your medical insurance, including spouses and children age 4 and older, are eligible for free flu vaccinations at campus and ADOA clinics.
Your dependent will need their appointment and Flu Shot Consent Form. They should use your alternate employee ID number and their own information on the form to complete the rest. They’ll also need to have their health insurance card on hand.
Absolutely! Ask the nurse at the flu shot clinic for a signed form that proves you received your immunization.
If you forget to ask for proof when you receive your shot, please contact Healthwaves at or 480-968-1886.
If you’re having difficulty breathing, or if you have a cough, a sore throat, or a runny nose, or a fever above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, please stay home!
Call Healthwaves at 480-968-1886 to cancel your appointment, and re-register for an open slot on another day.
University of Arizona employees should not request flu vaccinations from Campus Health Services, which prioritizes student immunizations.
If you are unable to make it to any of the campus employee clinics, please check for a convenient ADOA or Healthwaves date and location, visit your primary care physician, or explore the options at your local pharmacy.
Contact Us
Have questions about this resource?
Connect with the Life & Work Connections Team
Phone: 520-621-2493
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Connect with the HR Solutions team