Preventative Health Screenings

a female doctor of color taking the blood pressure of a male patient

Blood Pressure

a young female doctor taking a finger stick from an older female patient


an older woman with her hands on her heart

Heart Disease

colorful vegetables and whole grains

Weight Management

There are four numbers that your primary care physician generally checks: blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, and BMI/weight. Why? These numbers offer a glimpse into your current health and tell a crucial story about your overall well-being.

These numbers determine your risk for various diseases and conditions, including diabetes, stroke, and cardiovascular ailments. It's important to monitor these numbers to maintain a healthy lifestyle and prevent future diseases.

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Schedule a Mini-Health Screening

This 20-minute general screening is available to benefits-eligible employees at no cost once per calendar year. The screening includes:  A fasting blood test,  hemoglobin A1C test, height, weight, and waist circumference and blood pressure measurement. Also available: osteoporosis and bone density screening and Prostate-Specific Antigen, or PSA, screening.

Register for a Mini-Health Screening

Additional Options & Screenings

Off-Campus Options

  • ADOA hosts other clinics for state employees in Tucson and other locations around Arizona.
  • You can also schedule an onsite Mini-Health Screening for campuses outside of Tucson

Breast Cancer Screening

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the University of Arizona's on-site mammography screening will not occur in 2024. The Arizona Department of Administration is working on updating on-site services for employees. In the meantime, if you need a screening, please contact your medical carrier for provider information.

Prostate Cancer Screening

Benefits-eligible University of Arizona employees and spouses covered by their medical insurance can receive a confidential prostate cancer screening free of charge. The screening includes a prostate-specific antigen blood draw, digital rectal exam, and testicular exam followed by a board-certified urologist consultation.

Contact Us

Have questions about this program?

Connect with the Life & Work Connections Team
Phone: 520-621-2493

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