Wellness Ambassador: Amy Barber

Wellness Ambassador Amy Barber

Amy Barber
Marketing & Events for BIO5

Photo courtesy Amy Barber

I have turned a corner with my healthcare and lifestyle practices in my forties and try to personally practice good self-care as best as I can as often as possible. In the past, I have not been good at this whosoever! 

I have felt a big difference, thus when I see my colleagues not practicing the best self-care I want to help! I try to inspire colleagues to practice good self-care through various activities such as taking a short walk, petting a dog, going on a fieldtrip, sharing salad, or playing a game as a group.

Not only is it physically and mentally healthy to walk away from your desk periodically, but the activities that I put together also help us get to know each other better and bond. We have a lot of fun and slowly the group sizes are increasing!

Colleagues from BIO5

Baby Picture Game winners.

Photo courtesy Amy Barber

Wellness Ambassador amy barber with colleagues at the planetarium

Amy Barber (bottom left) and colleagues at the planetarium, where they went as a group for a show.

Photo courtesy Amy Barber

Colleagues from BIO5

April fool’s day. We all dressed up like one of our co-workers and surprised him.

Photo courtesy Amy Barber