Wellness Ambassador: Tanya R. Mooney

Wellness Ambassador Tanya R. Mooney

Tanya R. Mooney, faculty member, University of Arizona Global Campus

Photo courtesy Tanya Mooney

As a faculty member at the University of Arizona Global Campus, I've always had a passion for physical activity.  During my time in the Air Force, I worked in fitness centers and enjoyed developing engaging programs designed to encourage less active individuals (or those who were on the fringe of fitness). I did this through creating enjoyable events that promoted both fitness and a sense of community. Now that I work at UAGC full-time in a remote position, I find both fitness and a sense of belonging challenging.

My initial interest in the Wellness Ambassador program was driven by a personal desire to become more active. However, as I began sharing wellness tips during college meetings, I discovered a broader interest among my colleagues.  During our first event, which coincided with National Playdough Day, Dr. Teresa Handy suggested the idea of virtual "Walk & Talk" sessions. This concept evolved into our current weekly 30-minute Walk & Talk events.  Remote faculty from across the United States, including Washington, Utah, Florida, California, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and beyond, join via Zoom to walk, move, or stretch while engaging in conversation.




Quotes from Walk & Talk Participants

Dr. Allison Rief

Dr. Allison Rief

"As remote employees, we don't have the water cooler chats or time to just catch up with each other. The movement breaks provide us that time to connect with each other personally all while moving our bodies and absorbing some vitamin D! I love this time, but I think my dogs are the most appreciative!"

Dr. Christopher Foster

Dr. Christopher Foster

"Walk and talk is a highlight of my work week; I come home happy and invigorated."

Dr. Jennifer Robinson

Dr. Jennifer Robinson

"I love the chance to 'socialize' during a walk. We are often so focused on work when we Zoom with each other that it is easy to overlook that we work with incredibly fun people. These walks let us chat about where we live, what we like to do, and let us laugh together."

Stephanie Cook

Stephanie Cook

"Movement is a wonderful way to promote better health and destress. Just a few minutes outside can brighten my whole day! The SGS walk and talks are a great way to build community and get a few extra steps in during a workday!"

Dr. Teresa Handy

"Having a team at work focused on wellness has really inspired me to add more physical movement to my day. My children gave me the best holiday gifts-  a standing desk and foot pedal gadget which has further motivated me to move. It is hard to get motivated when you work from home but knowing I can tap into the Personify app, join a challenge and connect with others trying to do what I am doing has been fantastic!"