Establishing a Lactation Space

The University of Arizona and its campuses statewide feature a variety of architectural configurations to fulfill its land-grant mission in education, athletics, health care, and more.

Universal symbol of breastfeeding on a blue background

Designated lactation spaces may vary within these diverse environments. Life & Work Connections has partnered with Planning, Design, and Construction to provide descriptions of university lactation room standards (PDF) for new buildings and building expansions, as part of the university's Design and Specification Standards.

The American Institute of Architects also offers a set of best practices for lactation and wellness rooms. It is recommended that lactation rooms be marked with the Universal Breastfeeding Symbol, available for download.


Considerations for those interested in establishing lactation spaces at the university include:

  • Physical locations for designated use can include a private office or conference room.
  • Privacy and security concerns can be addressed with signage, such as "vacant" or "occupied" door locks. Staff, students, and visitors can be informed about the importance of providing lactation spaces for parents and their babies.
  • A schedule for reserving a lactation space can be useful.
  • Parents should expect to bring their own breast pumps.

If you are a building manager and have questions about lactation spaces, review these resources and frequently asked questions.

Lactation Spaces on Tucson Main Campus