August is National Wellness Month

July 23, 2024

Caregivers This Means You, Too!

Lightbox with motivation words for self care, positive thinking, mental health, emotional wellness

August marks National Wellness Month, and it’s a great time to reflect on how caregiving fits into life and work balance. As caregivers, we do the best we can, and it’s important to think about how we manage stress, how we care for ourselves, and how we can figure out healthy routines.  National Wellness Month can allow caregivers to find time and space to care for their bodies and minds while caring for others. 

Caregiving and wellness may realistically require defining our self-care in more “doable” doses in our daily lives and routines.  Even minor changes can improve the quality of our lives and caregiving.  Reflecting on wellness can help us prioritize what is essential to us in many realms, like physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. 

We often hear terms like self-care, stress, burnout, or compassion fatigue with caregiving.  We may identify with some emotions that come with caregiving, like guilt, anger, and grief.  and it’s also an opportunity to recognize our resilience and our fears.  Perhaps August can be the month to utilize tools in our mental health caregiving toolbox and seek support through platforms like Credible Mind, ComPsych Employee Assistance Counseling, or participate in a caregiving support group. 

Wellness reflections may also include calling upon our community, friends, or family for help, making new connections, or re-establishing ones with whom we have lost touch.   Social and spiritual wellness may be finding activities that normalize our caregiving experiences or connect us to others.  Maybe wellness may be finding a simple, enjoyable routine, a yoga class, a 5-minute meditation, volunteering, or connecting with our spiritual communities.   

Caregiving wellness may be about respite or the opportunity to take some time (and maybe distance) to regenerate and refresh.  These are just a few opportunities, but it’s important to decide your wellness priority and define the space and time you want to make these actions part of your wellness and life. 

Health Check-In text surrounded by a tape measure, pencils, stethoscope

Mini-Health Screening

Regular preventive health screenings help prevent disease through early detection. Schedule your free screening today. 

August 22 - BIO5

an older woman with a bowl of fruits and vegetables

Nutrition Over 50

As we age, it's important to consider our nutritional needs. This presentation offers valuable insights into aging and nutrition, helping us better understand how to maintain good health as we grow older. August 28, 10 a.m. - 11 a.m.